
2010 Elections — Unity Can Win

2010 Elections — Unity Can Win

A special report to the 29th National Convention of the Communist Party on the importance of the 2010 elections to the people's struggles.

BY: Joelle Fishman| May 27, 2010
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Communist Party Resolves: All hands on deck for the 2010 midterm elections

Communist Party Resolves: All hands on deck for the 2010 midterm elections

  Resolution on the November 2, 2010 midterm election — "All hands on deck to defend and extend our gains" Whereas, The Nov. 2 midterm elections are the main arena...

May 27, 2010
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Labor and People’s Unity and Grass Roots Action Key in 2010

Labor and People’s Unity and Grass Roots Action Key in 2010

Report to the January 9 National Committee of the Communist Party on the all-important mid-term elections in November 2010.

January 20, 2010
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