Tea Party Republicans are attempting to hold the country hostage by refusing to allow a routine adjustment in the nation’s debt ceiling before August 2. They are threatening to derail government functioning and the entire economy.
The willingness of the Republicans to bring the country to the economic brink exposes the fact that they do not really care about the deficit or the vast majority of people in our country. Their only goal is to increase the transfer of wealth from working people to billionaires and their corporations.
The only way to shrink the deficit is to create jobs, tax the rich and end the wars to get the economy going again. If the phony crisis created in opposition to raising the debt ceiling is successful, working people will be hurt with loss of jobs and cuts in education, health care, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and more.
As thousands of people and their unions, retiree, civil rights, women, youth and environmental groups are concluding, now is the time to act to save our nation!
Call and call again to your member of Congress and U.S. Senators. Join delegations and demonstrations being organized in communities across the country. Help organize your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends to deliver the message:
– Hands off our Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
– Pass HR 2663 to raise the debt ceiling without any other measures attached
– Solve our country’s real deficit — jobs, infrastructure and social needs. Create jobs and rebuild America.
To call Congress over the weekend dial 202-224-3121 or call from you computer.
The facts:
- This is a phony crisis — Republicans are using what should be a routine vote (approved dozens of times in past decades, including five times under Bush) to achieve demands that would never pass on their own..
- Those demands fulfill the wish list of billionaires and Wall Street corporations to grab even more wealth from children, working families and seniors.
- The demands include measures to end what little power the government has to restrict corporations, in their pursuit of profit, from poisoning air and water, selling contaminated food, and committing financial fraud.
- The only way to deal with the long-term deficit is by building a strong economy and a prosperous working class. The Congressional Progressive Caucus has the best plan in Congress, including end the wars, tax the rich, close corporate loopholes, and grow the economy by rebuilding essential infrastructure.
America’s real deficit:
- Jobs — 25 million people are unemployed or underemployed — nearly 1 in 5. That rises to nearly 2 in 5 for African American and Latino workers, and youth. The jobs crisis strikes everywhere. The majority says jobs is the number one priority!
- Existing infrastructure is deteriorating — roads, bridges, water and sewage treatment, public buildings, parks
- Necessary new infrastructure — high-speed rail, mass transit, broadband internet, renewable energy.
- Unmet social infrastructure needs: education, public health, research, youth workers, etc. Meeting these needs is vital to our future and our children and grandchildren.