Party Voices

BY: Communist Party USA| November 22, 2024

The way some social democrats are handling "identity" and class issues have all the makings of disaster. Stop pitting workers against each other! Woke ain't broke!

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BY: D.C. Metro CPUSA| November 27, 2024

The MAGA right sees D.C. as a testing ground for their fascist plans nationally. We need a united front to defend what democracy we have in D.C. and around the country.

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BY: Greensboro–Triangle club, CPUSA| October 30, 2024

Party activists participated in a weekend of struggle which brought together activists and healthcare workers opposing the U.S. role as a partner in the fascist Netanyahu government's genocidal war.

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News On Our Network

Gaza no es el primer genocidio de Israel, como bien saben los mayas de Guatemala

Las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel matan a decenas o incluso a decenas de palestinos cada 24 horas y, por supuesto, miles de civiles libaneses han muerto en las últimas semanas a causa de los ataques israelíes. Masacres tan letales se ven a diario y constituyen un auténtico acto de...

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If Trump’s labor secretary pick really supports workers, here’s what she should do

President-elect Donald Trump recently announced his nomination of Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer to serve as Secretary of Labor. She is one of only three House Republicans to co-sponsor the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act and one of only eight Republicans to co-sponsor the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act....

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Have a question about CPUSA and our stance on issues? Our CPUSA experts are standing by to give you an answer!

  • Q
    After looking at your membership application, I get the impression you only want people that will pound the pavement and work the phones. I'm very much interested in joining the CPUSA but feel unqualified.
  • A
    Hi, and thanks for your question. We took it up at the end of our weekly broadcast, Good Morning Revolution. You can watch the episode here. The power of the working class comes from its ability to organize and act collectively, and the role of the party is to help make that happen, to unite and mobilize people in the struggle for a better world. CPUSA asks every member to be involved in what we call "mass work," that is, political activity with forces outside the party. That could be a church or community group, a labor union or issue-based campaign; it could mean running for elected office or helping others do so. It might involve marching, door knocking, phone...
socialism in usa

Bill of Rights Socialism

socialism in usa

Socialism is a common-sense path to a fairer, more prosperous and more democratic USA. Socialism is also a desperate necessity as capitalism and its unrelenting drive for profits threaten to make our planet uninhabitable. Working families in America – the 99% - between us create all the products and services that make our country the richest nation in the history of humankind. It doesn’t make sense that these collectively produced resources are owned and controlled by a tiny handful of billionaires. The fight for socialism is a dynamic process to fulfill the vision of a future of peace, justice and fairness for our nation and our world.

For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.
