We urge everyone to call Attorney General Dana Nessel at 517-335-7622 or email them at miag@michigan.gov to demand that these charges be dropped.
Last words of democratically elected socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende, after the September 11, 1973 fascist coup that resulted in his death.
This Labor Day, workers, our unions, and the Communist Party must get out in the streets, in our workplaces, and at the ballot boxes – and fight for the immediate....
We stand at a pivotal crossroads where the actions we take today will shape the society we inherit tomorrow.
I am forever grateful to our Communist Party of Vietnam hosts for allowing us to experience their country, and being patient with us trying to eat the incredible meals served to us.
Show AllMembers of the Peoria CPUSA in Illinois marched in the St. Patrick’s day parade with the Peoria Coalition for Palestine, helping to build support for a local ceasefire resolution.
Show AllDespués de perder por un estrecho margen las elecciones de 2013 y 2017, Xiomara Castro y su Partido Libertad y Refundación (Libre), de tendencia socialdemócrata, ganaron las siguientes elecciones y, a partir de enero de 2022, ella era la nueva presidenta de Honduras. El derrotado Partido Nacional había presidido un...
After narrowly losing elections in 2013 and 2017, Xiomara Castro and her social democratic Freedom and Refoundation Party (Libre) won the next set of elections such that, as of January 2022, she was Honduras’s new president. The defeated National Party had presided over worsening corruption, electoral fraud, poverty, and violent...
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