1. Trump has blown up the Iran nuclear deal, which, by the way, was reached thru cooperation of the Obama administration with the Russian government.
2. Trump has drastically increased military spending overall.
3. Trump has reversed initiatives of the Obama administration to freeze whole categories of nuclear weapons.
4. Pres. Obama had cancelled the Bush administration’s initiatives to develop missile defense shields in the Czech Republic and Poland. The “shield” was supposedly needed to protect Europe from attacks from Iran. Remember when Pres. Obama was accused by the Republicans of “abandoning our European allies” ?
5. Trump has successfully demanded other NATO countries increase their military spending.
6. While rhetorically attacking NATO, under its umbrella Trump has increased U.S. military presence with tanks and troops in former Soviet republics neighboring Russia.
7. Trump’s “America first” rhetoric underlies a drive for U.S. hegemony, rejecting a multi polar world which allows for a global role for countries like China. Trump is a tireless proponent of U.S. hegemony.
8. Giving Trump credit for defusing international crises such as in Korea – crises that he himself instigated – does not make sense. Credit instead should go to North and South Korea
9. Trump made deals for putting more missiles and other weapons in Poland, Saudi Arabia and the Mediterranean. Trump used the U.S. missiles in the Mediterranean to launch an attack on Syria.
10. 30,000 people have been killed in South Yemen (including the recent school bus bombing) being run by the “coalition” of Saudi Arabia, the U. S. and United Arab Emirates orchestrated by the Trump administration. His support for that coalition is a payoff for loans to his personal businesses and to the campaigns of Republican candidates.
11. Trump’s $2 trillion “nuclear weapon modernization program” will unleash a a new nuclear arms race.