Communist Party Resolves: Immigrant rights is a struggle for democracy

May 27, 2010

Whereas, Corporate globalization has impacted the economies of the poorer countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America in such a way as to displace millions of workers and poor farmers who have no other option than to migrate to seek work;

Whereas, Faced with this high level of labor migration, wealthier countries such as the United States, France, Italy, Germany etc. have responded with new restrictive polices and the persecution of immigrant workers;

Whereas, In the United States, this has led to particularly vicious legal and extralegal attacks against immigrants, including repressive national, state and local laws, racist anti-immigrant propaganda in the media and even physical attacks including the murder of immigrant workers by racist vigilantes;

Whereas, Organized labor and its allies, including the AFL-CIO, Change to Win and independent unions, have come out in support of new legislation that would legalize the undocumented workers in a framework that protects the rights and interests of both immigrant and U.S.-born workers; and

Whereas, Huge mobilizations of immigrant workers and their allies in 2005, 2006, 2007 and now 2010 have emphasized this important issue; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Communist Party USA is committed to supporting, joining and helping to build the growing movement to defend immigrants from attack and to roll back far-right anti-immigrant measures such as Arizona’s racist, hate-filled SB 1070, and urges all districts and clubs and members to increase their involvement in this vital democratic struggle;

That the CPUSA is committed to participating in and helping to build the broadest possible united movement to win a progressive reform of U.S. immigration laws which protects the rights and interests of both immigrant and U.S.-born workers.

Resolution adopted by the 29th National Convention of the Communist Party USA, New York, NY May 21-23, 2010.

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