
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

Fascism: three-part test

The Party’s program must take a holistic, dialectical approach to identifying fascism, appreciating its development in the US, and must devise tactics accordingly.

BY: F. Akbar| May 14, 2024
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Towards a vibrant future: re-establishing a national YCL

Convening a constitutional convention to formally constitute the Young Communist League nationally can chart a bold path forward towards a more just and equitable society.

Retirees in struggle

Retirees, especially those organized by the Alliance for Retired Americans, cannot be ignored in building an effective progressive coalition.

BY: Gene Lantz| May 14, 2024
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Socialism and the battle for democracy: our democracy and theirs

We seek to build a special kind of unity in united and popular fronts, with working class leadership that knows who to ally with and who to struggle against.

BY: Chris Butters| May 14, 2024
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Ranked choice voting is part of the struggle for democracy in the Popular Front

Involve our party in efforts to pass ranked choice voting on the local and state level and also campaign to remove bans on ranked choice voting where they currently exist.

BY: Drew Bradley And Ryan Krueger| May 12, 2024
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.