
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

A People’s Inaugural

Reprinted from the People's Weekly World Huge crowds, unprecedented in U.S. history, gathered in Washington on Tuesday, to celebrate and welcome President Barack Obama to the White House. Pre-inaugural estimates...

BY: Joe Sims| January 23, 2009
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The Cuba 5 on the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

On the 50th anniversary of Cuba's socialist revolution, the CPUSA recognizes the heroism and revolutionary example of five Cuban men unjustly imprisoned in U.S. federal prisons for over ten years....

January 7, 2009
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Labor Upfront: Global Labor Needs a Global Stimulus

By Scott Marshall Workers of the World Unite is back by popular demand. And not just by demand, but by necessity. Global transnational corporations and their partners finance capital are...

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| January 7, 2009
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Labor Upfront: Special New Year Edition For a New Year of Progress & Struggle

2008: What a Year for Labor By Scott Marshall Talk about a sea change. A President-Elect who actually walks on picketlines rather than busts unions. Unprecedented independent labor political action...

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| January 7, 2009
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Labor Upfront: Special Election Edition Obama Wins! Labor Wins!

Obama Wins! Labor wins! Americans reject policies of greed and union busting! By Scott Marshall President-elect Barack Obama. Those words ring with meaning. For organized labor they ring with pride,...

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| January 7, 2009
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.