
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

CPUSA Attends Meeting of Communists and Workers Parties

The CPUSA attended the November 2008 meeting of Communist and Worker's Parties in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Check out this video made by the Party of the Italian Communists about the...

December 3, 2008
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Marx was right

It was only yesterday that free market ideologues were dancing on Karl Marxs grave with scornful shouts that greed is good and TINA there is no alternative to capitalism. These...

BY: PWW/NM Editorial Board| October 22, 2008
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OPINION: Finances and the current crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out? Part 2

(To read Part 1, click here.) The turmoil in financial markets and the bailout to the tune of $700 billion has turned the public eye and wrath on Wall Street...

October 2, 2008
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Finances and the Current Crisis: How did we get here and what is the way out?

If there were such a thing as a perfect economic storm, I would say we are close to it. The housing crisis continues and shows no sign of ending; credit...

September 28, 2008
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Ramming through the bailout

As the Bush administration attempts to ram a bailout package of nearly one trillion dollars through Congress, it begins to feel like Colonel Sanders asking the public to trust him...

September 24, 2008
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