
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

Chicago Shows Solidarity with Afghans

Organized by the Peace Response and coordinated with similar mobilizations in other cities, march to protest the war in Afghanistan attracted more than 200 people here Dec. 7. Many of...

January 4, 2002
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Bush, GOP Block Aid for Jobless

Playing the “Grinch who stole Christmas,” President Bush and his Republican helpers on Capitol Hill blocked a Senate bill that would provide an additional 13 weeks in jobless benefits and...

January 4, 2002
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Best Wishes for a Peaceful New Year

An excerpt of greetings to the Communist Party USAs annual holiday party in New York Dec. 20. Sam Webb is CPUSA National Chair.

BY: CPUSA National Committee| January 4, 2002
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Helen Winter 1908-2001

Helen Winter, a life-long member of the Communist Party, died Dec. 13. She is survived by a daughter, Michelle Artt, granddaughters Elizabeth Meggison and Ruth Foster, and several great-grandchildren and...

BY: Special to the World| December 22, 2001
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Bush Plan Leaves Some Children Behind

This week the Senate passed the misnamed No Child Left Behind Act, which gives the federal government an unprecedented say in the standards public school children must meet. Yet it...

December 22, 2001
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.