
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

National Board of the CPUSA meets Jan 12-13 on fighting the Bush administration

Sam Webb, National Chair of the CPUSA, says the Board will propose initiatives that 'place the CPUSA in coalition actions with others, such as national demonstrations for peace and justice...

BY: CPUSA Internet Department| January 8, 2002
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U.S. Grain Arrives in Cuba

Two ships, one loaded with frozen chicken parts worth $300,000 and the other with 26,400 tons of corn, arrived in Havana, Cuba Dec. 16, marking the first direct sales of...

January 4, 2002
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Why TV News Ignores War’s Opponents

If you think no one in America opposes the Afghan war, it’s not because you’ve been living in a cave. You’ve just been watching too much television news. The war’s...

BY: Jason Salzman| January 4, 2002
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Fighting Terrorism Without Destroying the Law

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, there has been a lot of attention paid to the Portland, Ore. Police Bureau’s response to a request by federal authorities...

January 4, 2002
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Human Rights Day Marked by Peace Rally in Tucson

International Human Rights Day was observed here Dec. 10 with a spirited march and a rally demanding peace in Afghanistan and an end to attacks on civil liberties and racist...

BY: Joe Bernick| January 4, 2002
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