
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

AFL-CIO stimulus package phase one RESOLUTION for HR 2946 and S 1454

Whereas, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, chaired by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, has introduced legislation which would 'get people back to work and raise household incomes by providing enough new spending to...

BY: CPUSA Organizing Department| November 21, 2001
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Humanitarian Crisis: Stop the Bombs

Isn't it time to step back from the relentless bombing of Afghanistan? Isn't it time for suspension of bombing?

November 21, 2001
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Talking Points on Terrorism and the War in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, US carpet-bombing, missile attacks, and cluster bombs are killing thousands of civilians. This 'collateral damage' violates international law and creates more innocent victims.

BY: CPUSA Organizing Department| November 21, 2001
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Action Alert Memo for Peace and Economic Justice #3

In the wake of the terrible events of September 11, the US and world economies have gone from downturn to full-blown recession.

BY: CPUSA Organizing Department| November 21, 2001
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Sample Letter to the Editor

Millions of people may die of starvation in the next few weeks in Afghanistan. The borders have been closed and the UN relief efforts are endangered by the US bombing....

BY: CPUSA Organizing Department| November 21, 2001
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