
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

Congress adopts dangerous terror bill – FBI weighs torture ‘option’

WASHINGTON - The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sent letters to all 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to vote 'No' on final passage of the...

October 31, 2001
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Political Action Remarks

The horror and shock of planes crashing into the World Trade Center did not slow down the push by the Bush administration and the extreme right-wing to achieve their anti-worker,...

October 31, 2001
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Where Are We After September 11?

The shocking and terrifying nature of the Sept. 11 assault has done more than temporarily traumatize the nation. It has also given the Bush administration and the far right a...

October 31, 2001
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Feature Films   Documentaries Twelve Angry Men Henry Fonda stars in the story of a jury who start out convinced the man they are trying is guilty because of his...

BY: Washington District| October 30, 2001
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Global network says we need peace in space

The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space started planning worldwide rallies against 'Star Wars' for Oct. 13 long before the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World...

October 26, 2001
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