The following summary was given at the conclusion of the CPUSA National Committee meeting by the party’s co-chair, Rossana Cambron, on Sunday, Nov. 17.
Well, you know, comrades, I have to say, I’m so inspired.
Ten years ago, we weren’t sure what was going to happen with our party and everything. And I really think that the working class has a real chance because of our party, because of the growth of our party, and the membership of our party.
I like what Dom said: “We are Marxist-Leninists; we’re not stooges of the bourgeoisie.”
You know this weekend, we heard a deeper analysis of our current situation, which gives us a much clearer picture of what the path looks like going forward, of what we need to do. It helps us to not have a knee-jerk approach to some of the things that are happening.
The very next day after the election, it was difficult. I think it was difficult for all of us, but because we are Marxist-Leninists, we have this ability to begin to look at things very objectively, and be able to make an analysis, and find the opportunities that come before us, to say, “Okay, so, we’re here. So now, where do we go? What’s available to us?” And I think we’ve been able to do that, here at our National Committee, right after the elections.
We expect Comrades to take this analysis home with you. Take it to your clubs and your districts, and, once the final report is done, share it; use it as an educational to help others to really see the path forward, because we need to internalize this path. We need to internalize this optimism that is before us.
I also feel that we have to be aware that fear is the branding of the capitalists. They want us to fear this and that, to fear each other, to fear everything. So we have to be very mindful of not falling into that hole. Sometimes we are fearful; we fear the unknown. But it will begin to reveal itself, so just be mindful of that.
In the last nine days, as Joe reported, we have 300-plus new members. I’ve been looking at some of these applications, and many new members state that they want to help their community. One member says, “I want to help my community, and do my part in protecting the future.” Another one states, “I need to get off the couch and organize.” Another one says, “I want to connect with like-minded people and be part of a community.” They see our party as that community. In the long run, when we talk about being the vanguard, you know, it’s the working class that’s going to elect us, that’s going to choose us. It’s not we who are going to say we are the vanguard.
I want you to also know that we have stepped up our efforts to process the membership. We have three people doing this right now, so that you’ll be getting a lot of applications. You may have already gotten a lot of emails from us about new members. Make sure that following up with them becomes a priority. People are really wanting to help, like I mentioned.
As Communists, we have to double down on checking our ego. We have to double down on eliminating the small differences that are really small now, compared to what we’re faced with. We have to double down on increasing our collectivity, and our discipline. And yes, we will have to make some sacrifices. It’s what we have before us.
I think we also have to double down on making sure that we strive to walk as one. We have a goal, and we’ve got to keep that front and center. We have one voice.
You know, these days, I’m reminded of my mother, because of my mother’s experience in 1931. She was one of the citizens that was expatriated back when they were blaming all Mexican Americans for the poverty that was brought on. And the first years in Mexico were very difficult for her, and for her parents. My mother lost her vision because of lack of good nutrition. My grandfather was unable to find a job. And the local community began to find out that they were starving. And that community was the one that helped my mother regain her sight, because they were bringing in some necessary food so that she could eat and her family could eat. And we have to be that community for many people who are going to be suffering. We have to be reaching out, outside of our circles. We can’t build the mass movement without reaching outside of our left circles. This is really important, comrades.
We’ve got to get out there. We already see a movement that we can plug into, that we can help and bring our Communist plus into. We see a movement that is organized. There’s already an infrastructure. We don’t have to start from scratch, but we have to be a part of it. We have to be there all the time.
And I believe what Joelle said, that MAGA will eventually overreach, and we have to reach out. This is really true. It’s going to happen; we’ll see it.
I also think that we have to be much more intently organizing in the South. We have to really reach out. Let’s create a collective that’s going to look into some of those things.
The sustainer program is a real way to begin to sustain the party on a regular basis, that if more of us become sustainers, we don’t necessarily have to raise that much more money every year, and it’s an easy thing to set up.
We have pamphlets out there, so comrades take your pamphlets; stuff them in your bag and take them home with you.
And on running candidates — you know, Joe threw me off my chair yesterday when he said we in the leadership of the party have got to run for office. But we do have to start thinking about it much more deeply. And I think that the Political Action Commission maybe should create a subcommittee that looks really deeper into it. We have guidelines already, but maybe we need to start looking at the states: where are the possibilities of running candidates? We have to test it a little bit more to see what those possibilities are.
So comrades, let’s go out and make the seemingly impossible possible. We can do it, comrades. Thank you.
Image: Rossana Cambron speaking to the CPUSA National Committee (CPUSA)