The CPUSA’s Jewish Committee strongly denounces the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) defense of Elon Musk’s Nazi salute. Musk’s history of Nazi admiration is well documented. As a leading exponent of capitalist rule, white-power eugenicist Musk plans to do his utmost to fashion the Trump administration to his liking.
We are outraged that the Anti Defamation League weaponizes Jewish heritage for the purpose of defending genocide and the occupation of the Palestinian nation, and suppressing pro-Palestine voices, while supporting rabid Christian Zionist, pro-Trump, and MAGA right voices here in the U.S. This is not surprising, however, as the ADL continuously makes clear it does not exist to fight anti-Semitism, but only to defend the Israeli government, even as it commits occupation and genocide.
The Anti-Defamation League’s behavior represents the latest instance in a long history of Zionist collaboration with fascists. From the 1930s Haavara Agreement with Nazi Germany, to the modern Israeli government’s close alliance with right wing parties around the world, Zionists have frequently collaborated with fascist forces to further an ethno-nationalist agenda.
The Anti-Defamation League is one of the leading voices attacking the Palestinian solidarity movement in the name of fighting anti-semitism. But the ADL shows its true colors when it defends right wing billionaire Musk’s fascist behavior.
Rewarding fascist sympathies is incompatible with fighting anti-Jewish hate. Since the ADL views Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular as “enemies,” they have apparently decided that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We denounce this craven, divisive, and racist mentality.
The ADL must stop supporting and colluding with Nazis. That is an amazing thing to have to say to an organization that claims to defend Jewish people. The true safety and well-being of Jewish people will be secure only when Arab and Palestinian people are made safe and whole, with full restitution of land and human and civil rights.
We call on all people who defend justice to persistently resist fascist politics, legislation, and culture.
Image: Video screenshot / AP feed via People’s World