
French Communists refuse a Macron monarchy

French Communists refuse a Macron monarchy

Emmanuel Macron’s last-minute demand to address France’s legislative assemblies on July 3 has been met with steep resistance, especially from Left and Communist lawmakers. Macron will likely use tomorrow's address...

BY: Scott Hiley| July 2, 2017
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CPUSA denounces Trump’s policy changes on Cuba

CPUSA denounces Trump’s policy changes on Cuba

We demand an end to the blockade.

BY: National Board, CPUSA| June 29, 2017
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Stop Trumpcare: Call your Senator!

Stop Trumpcare: Call your Senator!

Let’s do all we can do to defeat Trumpcare!

BY: John Bachtell| June 27, 2017
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Agrarian crisis, refugees, support for Israel addressed by Communist Parties

Agrarian crisis, refugees, support for Israel addressed by Communist Parties

Military exercises with Israel in Cyprus,  opposition to right government in Argentina  and world refugee crisis in this week's International Notes.