32nd National Convention

Fraternal parties greet the 32nd CPUSA Convention

Fraternal parties greet the 32nd CPUSA Convention

International greetings to the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA from our fraternal parties.

BY: Communist Party USA| June 27, 2024
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Closing remarks, 32nd National Convention CPUSA

Closing remarks, 32nd National Convention CPUSA

As we conclude this convention, we must go forward together, committed to putting the working class and its struggles front and center in our work.

BY: Communist Party USA| June 19, 2024
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United We Stand to Defeat the MAGA Right!

United We Stand to Defeat the MAGA Right!

The battlelines are clear. We are fighting a fascist danger at home and genocide against Gaza abroad. To defeat the danger at home, we’ve got to defeat the war abroad.

BY: Communist Party USA| June 17, 2024
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Organize the unorganized! — and then keep them active with plans of work!

Organize the unorganized! — and then keep them active with plans of work!

As Communists, we cannot leave the organization and mobilization to spontaneity and post-hoc analysis of data. We work to make history consciously; we work to progress.

Structure testing: empirical benchmarks for Party growth 

Structure testing: empirical benchmarks for Party growth 

An organized Communist Party can lead the fight to win a world the workers deserve.

BY: Justine Medina| June 3, 2024
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