
The Marxist Classes: Dog-whistle politics and how to fight it

The Marxist Classes: Dog-whistle politics and how to fight it

  Dog-whistle politics—code words that don't refer explicitly to race but are fraught with racial meaning—has been used by both major political parties. But the GOP's enthusiastic embrace of this...

January 15, 2020
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Class struggle in the raw: Donald Trump’s war on American workers

Class struggle in the raw: Donald Trump’s war on American workers

The "working-class" billionaire is the most anti-worker president in memory.

BY: Joe Sims| August 16, 2019
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Is community self-defense the answer to fighting racist terror?

Is community self-defense the answer to fighting racist terror?

We demand measures now, not later, to isolate and defang the extreme right - and that means addressing their influence in all areas, starting at the top, in government, business,...

BY: Joe Sims| August 8, 2019
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Defeating “dog whistle politics”:  A critical review

Defeating “dog whistle politics”: A critical review

  The author of Race and Economic Jeopardy for All: A Framing Paper for Defeating Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Hany López, is a law professor at University of California Berkeley,...

BY: Anita Waters| November 4, 2018
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