Donald Trump

A peoples diplomacy for a dangerous world

A peoples diplomacy for a dangerous world

Whether or not the next summit will produce positive results is unclear.  What is clear is that is that it’s up to the American people to keep the pressure on.

BY: Communist Party USA| July 26, 2018
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U.S. – Russia summits: More important than ever

U.S. – Russia summits: More important than ever

Make no mistake: with Trump there is no peace presidency.

BY: Communist Party USA| July 24, 2018
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What’s behind the U.S.-China trade war?

What’s behind the U.S.-China trade war?

Trump’s real goal, besides energizing his base for the 2018 elections and splitting the ranks of the U.S. labor movement, is to thwart China from becoming a direct economic rival...

BY: John Bachtell| July 17, 2018
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The Trump-Kim Korea meeting:  Historical background, future prospects

The Trump-Kim Korea meeting: Historical background, future prospects

Possible peace in the Koreas did not spring fully formed from Trump’s brain.   The two Koreas have been going on and off about normalization and unification for some time now.

BY: Emile Schepers| July 17, 2018
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The Singapore Summit is a positive step towards peace

The Singapore Summit is a positive step towards peace

This is the best way to serve the interests of the working classes and peoples of the two Koreas, the United States and the world.

BY: Communist Party USA| June 16, 2018
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