
Will a sidelined Bannon strengthen or weaken the mainstreamed alt-right?

Will a sidelined Bannon strengthen or weaken the mainstreamed alt-right?

  It’s a good thing that Stephen K. Bannon, the extreme right provocateur and former Trump White House strategist, has been deposed from his post as chairman of the alt-right...

January 11, 2018
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Trump, capitalism and the point of no return

Trump, capitalism and the point of no return

Several tipping points are in danger of being reached: environment, nuclear war, democracy. What will it take to prevent going over the brink.

BY: John Bachtell| November 17, 2017
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CPUSA to world communist meet: Defeating fascism is the first step

CPUSA to world communist meet: Defeating fascism is the first step

It is by advancing democracy against ALL forms of inequality that we can win the broad unity needed to secure a defeat against the extreme right and move on to...

BY: Scott Hiley And Dee Miles| November 5, 2017
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Getting it right: First they came for the communists!

Getting it right: First they came for the communists!

As we once again organize to confront a fascist threat, we should remember that communists were the staunchest anti-fascist fighters and the first targets of the Nazi Party.

BY: Joe Sims| October 19, 2017
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Tactics in the fight against white supremacy and racism

Tactics in the fight against white supremacy and racism

The 2018 Congressional elections will be the next major battle in the fight against the Trump administration.

BY: Communist Party USA| September 13, 2017
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