
Video: Black helicopters, globalists? Trump and the new world order

Video: Black helicopters, globalists? Trump and the new world order

As the Donald Trump campaign careens from crisis to crisis new dangers to democracy have emerged: first with the casting of his campaign as a civilizational struggle between "globalists" and...

October 16, 2016
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Neoliberalism and the fascist danger: A reply to some left critics

Neoliberalism and the fascist danger: A reply to some left critics

  The Communist Party’s anti-right electoral policy has been criticized for not addressing the dangers posed by neoliberalism.  In particular the neoliberal brand associated with folks like the Clintons, is...

September 8, 2016
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Could the Greens or Libertarians tip the election?

Could the Greens or Libertarians tip the election?

In this election, there's no such thing as a safe state.

BY: John Bachtell| August 16, 2016
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Unity can defeat Trump: new dangers and new opportunities

Unity can defeat Trump: new dangers and new opportunities

Yes, it is a dangerous moment. But it is also a moment full of great possibility to defeat the right.

BY: John Bachtell| July 27, 2016
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Brazil today: What’s really going on

Brazil today: What’s really going on

The struggle against the coup continues.

July 7, 2016
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