International Greetings: AKEL (Cyprus)


The Central Committee of AKEL expresses its warm solidarity greetings to the Communist Party of U.S.A, on the occasion of its 29th Central Convention.

Your Congress is convened under difficult conditions for the working class and the peoples of the world. Humanity is witnessing during the last two years a global economic crisis that constitutes the clearest indication of the failure of the capitalist system and the neo-liberal policies that have been implemented during the last three decades on a global level.  The international imperialism and the neoliberal strategies of the ruling classes in the most developed capitalist countries conduct a great attack against the rights of the working people. The so-called New World Order continues to flagrantly violate the Constitutional Charter of the United Nations and impinge International Law.

We therefore consider as very significant and timely the topic you have chosen as the main theme at your congress under the title “A call for United Action to Create Jobs, End Foreclosures, Hunger, Poverty, Racism and War”.

As AKEL, we believe that the Communist forces, together with the progressive, the left and labor forces around the world, must take more decisive steps to open up the socialist alternative path to our societies and the world. We have to unite our forces in the struggle against the unjust, aggressive, imperialist attacks and strengthen our solidarity activities with all peoples and movements struggling for national independence.

Taking this opportunity we express our solidarity to your struggles for safeguarding the rights of the working class in the U.S.A and to your struggles for peace, democracy, freedom, equality and social justice. We would like also thank you for your Party’s consistent and principled support and solidarity with our Party, Cyprus and its people in our fight against the Turkish Occupation for the reunification of our people and our country, in the framework of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution, with political equality as set out by the relevant UN Resolutions, a federated state with a single sovereignty, a single international personality and a single citizenship.

Dear comrades,

Accept once more our wishes for fruitful and successful deliberations on the occasion of the 29th Central Convention.

Comradely regards,

The Central Committee of AKEL
Progressive Party of Working People, Cyprus

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