International Greetings: Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)


To Communist Party of U.S.A.

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the Congress of the Communist Party of U.S.A. to be hold in New York City in next May 21-23 the Communist Party of Brazil – PCdoB sends to all delegates our fraternal greetings, wishing that the greatest conclave of U.S. communists have success in the political, ideological and organizational fields of action.

In these days the world observes that the crisis of capitalism follows its track, showing its long-term structural and systemic aspect. The resistance of the Greek workers in the presence of an antidemocratic and neoliberal plan imposed by the European Union shows that the popular resistance before the crisis will be vehement.

In Latin America, the fight of resistance obtains uncommon conditions, having in its mind democratic and leftist governments which search their own principles of autonomy and sovereignty. In this panorama, the leftist strengths appeal to increase co-operation and union, seeking potentize conditions to spread out their combat.

The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) sees a moment of great encouragement. This year, our Party will take part in the coming election searching to consolidate the communist presence in the institutions, to enlarge its influence of lower classes and to contribute for the maintenance of the democratic and progressist forces at the head of the national government.

With all good wishes of friendship and co-operation between the Communist Party of U.S.A. and the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) we reaffirm our wishes of absolute success to your Party.


Ricardo Alemão Abreu
International Relations Secretary
Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB)



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