International Greetings: Communist Party of Britain

May 26, 2010

Dear Comrades,

The Communist Party of Britain sends its warmest international greetings to the 29th Convention of the CPUSA held in the 90th year of its existence.

The Communist party of Britain salutes the achievements of the CPUSA across its 90 years – achievements in terms of mass mobilizations that changed the course of US history in the 1930s and the 1960s and 70s, its brave intervention against those who sought to divide working people on the grounds of race, its difficult struggles to secure democratic and civil rights and its steadfast projection of a socialist alternative.  We salute those who died and suffered imprisonment in the course of these struggles.

Today Communists in the USA, like Communists in Britain, face a capitalist system in deep crisis which seeks a resolution at the expense of working people, a resolution which, if not challenged, will involve further imperialist wars and a grave erosion of democratic rights.

Communists in Britain express their admiration for the steady, strategic focus of the CPUSA on the defeat and isolation of those forces of US finance capital which demand direct attacks on working people and the use of increasingly anti-democratic methods to do so.  We salute your party’s commitment to mobilizing a progressive majority on the basis of immediate struggles on employment, housing security and the right to education and health care.  Communists in Britain are fully aware of the critical importance of this work ahead of the mid-term elections and the determining significance this will have for progressive change both in the US and across the world.

Dear comrades, we wish you every success in the work of your 29th National Convention.

With our warmest comradely greetings,

Robert Griffiths
General Secretary
Communist Party of Britain

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