International Greetings: Communist Party of Cuba

BY: Communist Party of Cuba| May 25, 2010

In occasion to celebrate the United States Communist Party’s 29th National Convention, receive the fraternal welcome of the Cuban Communist Party and the people of Cuba.

This important event takes place amid an international economic crisis, provoked by economic policies based on the unstoppable squander and consumerism by the developed capitalist countries, for which there is no short term solution. The imperialist system imposed to the world is a serious threat to the human species today.

In Latin America, the promise by the current US administration to begin a new era in the relations with the region contradicts the reality, as it was witnessed with the position adopted with the Coup d’état in Honduras and the installation of several military bases in Colombia and other territories, which hinders stability in the region.

In the particular case of Cuba, the centers of power of United States and the European Union have organized, directed and financed a large campaign of discredit against our country raising with hypocrisy the flags of human rights. They have manipulated the death of a Cuban common inmate whom they transformed into a “political prisoner” and urged him to keep a hunger strike with absurd demands, while keeping an accomplice silence on their own grave and unacceptable violations of those rights in Guantanamo Naval Base, Abu Ghraib, etc.

Once again, the Cuban people demonstrated its massive support to its Revolution with the participation of 94% of the population in the recent elections for delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power.

Likewise, May 1st, massive and enthusiastic marches in the Revolution Square in Havana and the rest of the Cuban provinces were another convincing demonstration of support to our social project that is being improved, within socialism, by the Cuban people, in particular, the younger generations, in defense of the Revolution. .

In the face of the efforts to destroy the Revolution and generate a change of our social and economic system, we can assert with absolute conviction that we will never give up before the pressure of any nation or group of nations no matter how powerful these are.

While our people goes on waging a battle to free the five antiterrorist fighters unjustly imprisoned in the United States, while the most dangerous terrorist in Latin America, Luis Posada Carriles, who confessed the explosion of a Cubana Airline plane in October, 1976, has never been prosecuted for terrorism and walks freely in the streets of Miami despite the numerous denunciations of Cuba and Venezuela before the United Nations and other international bodies.

Within the spirit of solidarity and fraternity that characterize the relations between our parties, we wish you success in your debates.

Department of International Relations
Central Committee
Communist Party of Cuba

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