International Greetings: Communist Party of India

BY: Communist Party of India| May 25, 2010

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the National Council of the Communist Party of India, please accept warm fraternal greetings to the leadership and delegates participating in the 29th National Convention of the CPUSA which will be held in New York City on May 21-23, 2010.

Your National Covention is taking place in the background of the deep economic crisis and global recession which is worse than the Great depression of the 1930s, the all out aggressions against the people of Palestine by Israel, building up military campaign against Iran, resistance of people against the continuance of occupation in Afganistan and Iraq, growing proximity among US, NATO and EU on all global issues and intensifying measures designed to impose their policies against the will of the people of all continents, as well as growing global resistance of the working people against the policies of imperialist globalization on one hand and on going victories of the Left forces in elections in different countries in Latin America on the other.

The Communist Party of India is aware of the present political developments in USA and the role of the Communist Party of USA in defence of the rights of all sections of society, in particular the working class and other marginalized sections in the background of the current economic crisis. The theme of the 29th Convention of the CPUSA once again demonstrates the sincere approach of the CPUSA to take the present situation as a challenge as well as an opportunity to strengthening the Party.

Dear comrades,

The 20th Congress of CPI held in March-April 2008 discussed in detail the present international and national situation and set forth its tasks for the coming period viz. of strengthening and broadening the unity of anti-imperialist forces at the national and international level as well as to build a left and democratic alternative to bourgeois rule in our country.

We believe that the deliberations and the experience of your National Convention will help us further in understanding each other, and initiating a common struggle for Peace, Progress and Socialism.

We wish all success to the 29th National Convention of the CPUSA

With revolutionary greetings,

National Executive
Communist Party of India

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