International Greetings: Communist Party of Ireland

May 26, 2010

Dear comrades,

On behalf of the Communist Party of Ireland I would like to express warmest anti-imperialist greetings to the delegates to your 29th National Convention and to all American communists.

Your convention comes at a crucial moment in the history of the peoples of the United States and of the world. As you gather in New York, US imperialism continues its occupation of Afghanistan and is spreading its “war on terror” into illegal acts of aggression and violence against Pakistan. It continues to establish a massive network of military bases in Africa, including an African Command, to dominate, control and exploit the peoples and nations of that long-suffering continent. It is clear that US imperialism has not abandoned its strategy of global domination.

Across the globe imperialism is in deep economic crisis, and the seeds of the next, possibly even deeper crisis begin to appear as massive corporate debt is transformed into social debt, to be carried by workers, the poor, the unemployed and peasant farmers throughout the world.

Communists in the United States, in the very belly of the beast, have for many decades stood firm in the struggle against aggressive wars perpetrated by US imperialism. You have weathered many storms and attacks by the state and reaction and have stood upright and true to the revolutionary working-class principles of Marxism-Leninism.

Now is the time to reaffirm the importance of anti-imperialist solidarity and working-class internationalism. We need as never before a strong revolutionary Communist Party USA, a strong revolutionary Communist Party of Ireland and a strong revolutionary world communist movement to defeat imperialism, to bring national freedom and social justice, to save our planet from destruction, and to begin to build a socialist future.

For anti-imperialist solidarity and working-class unity,

Eugene McCartan
General Secretary
Communist Party of Ireland

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