International Greetings: Tudeh Party of Iran

BY: Tudeh Party of Iran| May 26, 2010

Dear Comrades,

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran, I would like to extend our most sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the 29th National Convention of the Communist Party of USA and wish it every success.

We wish your 29th congress a full success in formulating your programme of action to develop the struggle of the working class of USA for peace, welfare, social justice and socialism. Also, on this occasion, while emphasizing on our common interests and long term and close relationship between our parties, we would like to express our commitment to expand and deepen this comradely relationship. The Tudeh Party of Iran appreciates your principled and unwavering stance in defence of the global peace and international solidarity with the struggles of working people and the national liberation movements around the globe, including the difficult struggle of the Iranian people against the dictatorial theocratic regime in Iran and for peace, freedom, democracy and social justice.

Dear Comrades,

Your National Convention is being held at a critical, difficult and complicated international situation. An unprecedented global economic crisis has engulfed the entire capitalist system since 2006.  The global imperialism, while on one hand uses war, militarism, and military invasion as its core policy to inflict and stabilize its hegemony over the globe, on the other hand has organized an unprecedented offensive to reverse the achievements of the struggles of the working class and working people in the last hundred years in the advanced capitalist countries, including the USA. It aims to place the burden of the current global crisis entirely on the shoulders of the working class.

Dear Comrades,

We have followed your policies and struggles in the USA during the past four years for mobilising the working people of every colour in your country under a banner for change.  We are confident that this approach that contributed significantly to the defeat of the Republican candidate in the Presidential Elections of November 2008 will bear important results for the people of the USA. We would like to salute you in your principled struggles for peace, democracy and progress in the USA and across the world.

Dear Comrades,

Holding your National Convention today and having creative discussions about the most effective ways to organize the struggle against capitalism in the most powerful centre of capitalism, in the USA, is in itself, a clear sign of existence and increasing resistance of the working peoples struggle. You have correctly stated that capitalism is not capable of fulfilling the natural aspiration of the working class and that a better world is possible with socialism.

A deep and all encompassing look at the present events in the world clearly shows that even though the aggressiveness of Imperialism continues to be the dominant characteristic of our era, but the struggle of the working people from Iran to Palestine, from the socialist Cuba to Venezuela and Bolivia, in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America is also growing. In these circumstances, the existence of the Communist Parties which have their roots in the working class and in the people’s struggles of their countries is of great importance. Today, more than ever, cooperation of all the progressive, democratic and peace loving forces in the struggle against aggressive and war mongering policies of the imperialism, and in defending the interests of the working class around the world, is necessary. The Communist and workers parties play a particular role in strengthening the cooperation and infusing an anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist character in this struggle. 

Dear Comrades,

We believe that even under the present difficult conditions, the progressive forces are capable of, and have the historical opportunity to oppose Imperialism and create the necessary conditions for a successful struggle for peace and social progress. Just like you and millions of people around the globe, we also do believe that “Another World is Possible – The World of Peace and Socialism”.

Dear Comrades,

We wish your Party’s 29th National Convention every success in formulating the tactical and strategic plans of your party for peace, social progress and socialism in the United State of America. The final victory belongs to those who steadfastly struggle for socialism.

–       Long Live Struggle for Peace, Democracy and Socialism!
–       Long Live International Solidarity!
–       Long Live Socialism!

The International Department
Central Committee
Tudeh Party of Iran


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