Convention Discussion: A lesson from union organizing

Convention Discussion: A lesson from union organizing

Submitted by Art Perlo, New Haven, CT I was on the workers' organizing committee for a union for clerical and technical workers at Yale University in the early 1980s. This...

BY: Art Perlo| June 2, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Imagining Socialism

Convention Discussion: Imagining Socialism

Submitted by Len Yannielli, CT Imagine Living In A Socialist USA is a book representing the thinking of an amalgam of left activists and writers. A discussion of it recently...

BY: Len Yannielli| June 2, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Some thoughts on changing our name

Convention Discussion: Some thoughts on changing our name

Submitted by Jarvis Tyner, Executive Vice-Chair, CPUSA I am not for changing our name. I think we can build and large and influential CPUSA in the 21st Century. We can...

BY: Jarvis Tyner| May 29, 2014
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Convention Discussion: A modest alternative to proposed preamble

Convention Discussion: A modest alternative to proposed preamble

Submitted by Teresa Albano, Chicago, IL The purpose of this alternative preamble to the new draft Constitution is three fold: make it shorter and tighter; focus in on the crux...

May 29, 2014
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Convention Discussion: The two choices ahead of us

Convention Discussion: The two choices ahead of us

Submitted by Bernard Sampson, Houston, TX We have seen that there are some ideological differences in our party. I think they all revolve around two things: Doing things the old...

BY: Bernard Sampson| May 29, 2014
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