HR 1564, HR 808, Star Wars, Mansfield Steelworkers, HB 290, Jobs with Justice

BY:Ohio District CPUSA| September 21, 2001

– submitted to the 27th National Convention of the Communist Party USA as proposed national resolutions



THAT, the
Ohio District Board meet immediately after the National Convention to
plan a mass campaign to build a grassroots support base for the passage
of HR 1564, the INFRASTRUCTURE REBUILDING ACT, using the Fact Sheet and
Sample Resolution presented to the Convention for this purpose; and, that
a broad LABOR COMMITTEE for the passage of HR 1564 be organized immediately
to initiate this campaign; and, that HR 1564 be featured at the National
Convention of the CPUSA and the Convention go on record in support of
the bill and for organizing a mass campaign for its passage; and, that
copies of the Fact Sheet and Resolutions on HR 1564 be distributed to
all delegates and guests at the Convention.


THAT the
Convention go on record in support of the efforts of the USWA for passage
of HR 808, the Steel Revitalization Act, and support for the actions initiated
by the Ohio Steel Summit to stop the shutdown of LTV; and, that the Ohio
District begin discussions for developing a plan for public ownership
of the LTV plant using whatever means necessary including Eminent Domain;
and, that the Ohio District go on record in support of the struggle in
California to bring the electrical industry under public control; and,
that the Ohio District urge the CPUSA to begin discussions on the urgent
need and growing public demand for public ownership and control of vital
basic industries such as energy and steel.


THAT the
Convention support the revitalization of the Peace organizations in a
major effort to stop the militarization of space and the expenditure of
trillions of our tax dollars on the Bush Administration’s Star Wars scheme,
bringing billions in profits into the military-industrial complex; and,
that the Ohio District give all-out support to the organization of the
October national conference being planned by Cleveland Peace Action and
the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space to be held
in Cleveland, Ohio; and, that the Ohio District urges the CPUSA to give
this important national conference major attention at the National Convention.


THAT the
Ohio District open up a campaign to aid the Mansfield Steelworkers including
examination of new initiatives for mass pressure to end the lockout.


THAT, the
Ohio District give all-out support to the Ohio AFL-CIO and Retiree Council
initiative for passage of an Ohio Prescription Drug Fair Pricing Act,
introduced into the Ohio House as HB 290. The Bill will mandate the State
of Ohio to negotiate reduced rates for prescription drugs with the drug
companies so that retirees and all those with no prescription drug insurance
coverage will reap the benefits already won in the state of Maine.


Ohio Convention applaud the work of Jobs with Justice in building labor-community
coalitions and urge attention be given to the important task of building
Jobs with Justice organizations at the National Convention of the CPUSA.


    Submitted by the Ohio District CPUSA.

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