Greetings from the Communist Party of Chile

BY: Communist Party of Chile| July 18, 2014

Dear comrades of the CPUSA,

The Communist Party of Chile salutes the 30th  National Convention of the Communist Party USA, wishing you the best of success in the working out of the policies of the United States communists in  your struggle for the interests of the workers and for world peace.

Please receive, each and every one, an affectionate greeting and our homage for the struggle you have developed and are developing, which is destined to change society in the breast of imperialism itself.

We Chilean communists feel great brotherhood/sisterhood and admiration for the struggle of our comrades in the United States. Your struggle must confront enormous difficulties in a society in which the management of ideology of capital through the media and the anticommunist tradition have reigned for decades.  

Nevertheless, we are aware of the struggle of the North American working class for its rights and demands. May First, the International Day of the Workers, was established after a milestone in the struggle of the workers in that country and in capitalist repression.

Today, we Chilean Communists have the responsibility of strengthening our unity with the progressive forces in our country, to put into concrete form the program of President Bachelet, which is intended to diminish the enormous inequality of interests between the workers and big capital.  A tax reform is being promoted which is designed to improve conditions of education and health and, at the same time, we are fighting to carry out the program to establish a new State Political Constitution, which will put an end to enclaves of authoritarianism left over from the dictatorship of Pinochet.  

We hope that all the goals which your National Convention sets are converted into a substantive contribution to the great struggles for unity, for the defense of peace, and for the political, ideological and organizational strengthening of your party.

Our struggle is joined with those of the communists and progressive forces which are working in all latitudes against imperialism and for a better world, and to defend peace in our planet.

Long live the 30th National Convention of the Communist Pary USA!
Long live socialism!
Long live peace!

Communist Party of Chile

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