Greetings from the Communist Party of Mexico

BY: Communist Party of Mexico| June 14, 2014

Dear Comrades:

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico, in the name of all of its militancy, sends fraternal greetings to the 30th National Convention’s delegates gathered today in Chicago, and extend it as well to all of the militants of the CPUSA and the YCL.

The appreciation we feel for North American communists roots in proletarian internationalism, seeds in the common geographical struggle and in their direct contributions, registered by History, to help working class and communist movement in Mexico, during the period following the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the International Communist existence, the struggle against browderism, as well as during the dark times of McCarthyism and the 90’s, when the strength of the Communist Party of the USA inspired reorganizing among communists in Mexico.

The struggle against monopolies and imperialism, against NAFTA, the common issue of Mexican immigrants in the US, would lead us to a common effort with more intensity, yet for many reasons, our own deficiencies among them, this is still not a reality.


Attentively we follow the agenda and the set of proposals being reviewed during this Convention. Three years ago, we studied the platform that will be in the discussion of the CPUSA today. At that time, we were invited by Political Affairs to express our opinion about Communist Party’s National Chair Sam Webb’s proposal, and with growing concern we noted what we identify as a move to forsaking the communist ideals and identity; we therefore considered such proposal contrary to the nature of a working class party.

By restating this observation today, we are not intent on intruding on a brother party´s life, but expressing our preoccupation about repeating the negative experiences Mexican communists went through when eurocomunism liquidated the first CPM, with the subsequent delay to class struggle.

We hold the conviction that US communists will stand up for Marxism-leninism, for their Communist Party and its crucial importance on working class; we are certain they will know how to develop the struggle against monopolies and their parties, the Republican and the Democratic Party, how to unite North American workers with immigrant workers, and that they will raise the flags or socialism-communism and proletarian internationalism.

¡Workers of the World Unite!

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico

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