International Greetings: Communist Party of Luxembourg

BY: Communist Party of Luxembourg| May 26, 2010

Dear comrades,

recieve our militant greeting on the occasion of your 29th National Convention. You are meeting at a critical moment in history, when the crisis of the capitalist system is shaking the world. The big financial and industrial capital in the U.S. and in Western Europe does not know any other way out than increasing the exploitation of working people by cutting social achievements, reducing wages, increasing taxes and similar measures. Confronted with these challenges, it is our duty as communists to reinforce our ranks, to develop our anti-capitalist policy, to propagate our Marxist view on the current problems and to intensify our struggle for the abolishment of capitalism, for a new political, social and economic system which is called socialism, as well as for the ban of all wars from our life. Let us stand united for these noble aims.

Long live the 29th National Convention!
Long live the Communist Party USA!
Long live peace and solidarity!

Ali Ruckert
Central Committee of the Communist Party of Luxembourg

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