International Greetings: Japanese Communist Party

BY: Japanese Communist Party| May 26, 2010

The Japanese Communist Party sends its sincere greetings to the National Convention of the Communist Party USA.

We hope your Convention makes an important contribution to advancing struggle to oppose poverty and joblessness, to improve people’s living conditions and promote human rights, and to bring about better education, health care and social security services. We also hope it contributes to development of anti-nuclear and peace movements as well as grass-root movements aiming for a change in the U.S. military and foreign policy.

In Japan, even after the change of government, old kind of politics characterized by extraordinary subservience to the United States and tyrannical rule by large corporations continues. What we are striving for is a real change in politics. We also demand reduction and removal of the U.S. military bases in Japan and abrogation of the Japan – U.S. Security Treaty.

We are looking forward that our two parties will collaborate on such issues of mutual interest: to help start negotiations on nuclear weapon abolition; to establish international order of peace based on the United Nations Charter and the international economic order which respects national sovereignty; and to prevent global warming.

Vice Chairperson, Executive Committee
Chairperson, International Commission
Japanese Communist Party

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