
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.


Erica Smiley's Bi-Annual Report to the National Council April 12-13, 2008; Chicago, IL POLITICAL CLIMATE There are so many things I could talk about right now with regards to the...

BY:| April 26, 2008
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Manufacturing USA

Can there be a restoration and even an increase in the role and prominence of US manufacturing in the context of capitalist globalization today?

BY:| April 25, 2008
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Labor Upfront – April 21, 2008

In this issue: ILWU Calls for May Day Work Stoppages Against the War Action Alerts: FLOC, No Colombia FTA Another important step towards global unionism Iranian TU finally released Loss...

April 22, 2008
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Springfield, MO Sheriff talks about killing communists

Published in the Springfield, MO 'News-Leader': Thirty-year-old Tony Pecinovsky, a 10-year member of the party living in St. Louis, called Merritt's comment 'mind-boggling.' 'It is unfortunate that one person's sense...

BY:| April 12, 2008
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New Times, New Opportunities

'The clearest expression of this developing movement pivots around the candidacy of Barack Obama, whose inspirational message and politics have captured the imagination of millions. So much so that many...

April 12, 2008
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.