
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

The Republican campaign to suppress the Black vote

The Republican Party and the right wing are waging a well-financed campaign to weaken and destroy the impact of the African American vote. This campaign is in direct violation of...

September 30, 2004
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Setting the record straight: CPUSA position on 2004 elections

In the past month, several phony reports have been circulated by right-leaning papers and websites -- making various false claims about the Communist Party position on the 2004 elections... The...

BY: CPUSA Internet Department| August 26, 2004
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Just Being Anti-Bush Is Not Enough To Win

Across the country there is a growing anti-Bush feeling, but that alone is not enough. To win requires that millions be convinced that the differences between Bush and Kerry are...

August 26, 2004
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Discussion on the Status and Role of the Party.

Sam Webb's report to the expanded National Board meeting of June 26 and 27. This isnt the first time that we have discussed the status and role of the Party......

August 11, 2004
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Elections ’04 – Report to the National Board

The countdown is 125 days from today to November 2nd when our country will elect a new president, senate, house of representatives and state legislatures. Mobilization is at a high...

July 14, 2004
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