Special District Meeting on African American Equality and Building the Communist Party and Young Communist League Chicago, IL September 30, 2007 Opening Remarks By John Bachtell, IL District Organizer First,...
The wages and working conditions of union autoworkers have always set standards for all manufacturing. These in turn have put upward pressure on wages and benefits for all workers. But...
Comrades, Sisters and Brothers, Welcome! Let me start by thanking comrade Sam Webb for proposing this meeting and the National Board for endorsing the idea of this conference which started...
James E. Jackson, Jr., a giant in the struggle for African American equality, world peace and socialism, passed away Sept. 1, just short of his 93rd birthday. He was one...
The August 10 declaration by the Bush administration of a more repressive immigration policy, if put into effect, will create fascist like conditions for 12 million undocumented workers and their...