
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

The Nature, Role, and Work of the Communist Party

'...Now dont get me wrong I am not suggesting that we abandon Marxist principles and methodology, but Marxism can only claim a scientific character if it takes into account new...

February 27, 2007
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Stop the escalation! Call the House of Representatives!

Congress will debate a non-binding resolution opposing the escalation next week. We urge all clubs to immediately organize calls to their members of the House of Representatives. Call the congressional...

February 9, 2007
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Keep the Pressure On: Oppose the Escalation of the War

Since Bushs announcement of a military surge of 21,000 US troops a month ago, a massive, outpouring of opposition has propelled Congressional action. From union leaders to religious organizations to...

February 6, 2007
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Keep the Pressure On: Oppose the Escalation of the War

Since Bushs announcement of a military surge of 21,000 US troops a month ago, a massive, outpouring of opposition has propelled Congressional action. From union leaders to religious organizations to...

February 6, 2007
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Communist Party USA Response to the State of the Union

The concerns of most Americans who find it harder and harder to make ends meet, and who want to bring our troops home from Iraq, were ignored by George W....

January 25, 2007
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.